Numerical Control CNC-NC

cnc freze - lathing - spark - mould producing - cnc services

drill - heavy lathing - cnc lathing

heavy and light lathing services

5 axis cnc freze simultaneously with 700 mm freze ability

cnc freze - lathing - freze - spark

mould making - tools manufacturing - designing and consulting - freze services - cnc services 

4 and 5 axis cnc freze - dimension of 800*800*1600

CNC freze and CNC lathing - mould making

cnc lathing and freze - tools manufacturing - heavy and light lathing services - designing and consulting - freze services 

saw and cutting cnc - industrial metal sales - cnc services

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Contact us

Address: Amir kabir industrial zone, Esfahan, Iran.

Tel: 03133863005
